Testing Available
Are you tired of feeling sick and tired? Want to get to the bottom of your pains and other health issues once and for all? It's time to start testing and stop guessing! At Rogue Health, we look deeper to discover the root cause of imbalances and provide you with a personalized healing plan to get your energy and vitality back.
Serum Testing

Blood tests are crucial for monitoring health and detecting issues. With a small sample of blood, a complete blood count (CBC), thyroid function, kidney function, cardiovascular markers to assess heart disease risk, cholesterol, hormones, iron, and many other blood markers can be assessed.
DUTCH Complete

DUTCH Complete™ offers an extensive profile of sex and adrenal hormones and melatonin, along with their metabolites, to identify symptoms of hormonal imbalances. Easily collect your samples in the comfort of your home and send them back to our lab to be processed.

DUTCH Plus® takes hormone testing to a new level. In addition to sex hormones and their metabolites, the DUTCH Plus® adds the Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR) to bring another important piece of the HPA axis into focus.
Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR)

As a separate kit from the DUTCH Plus®, the Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR) captures an important piece of the HPA axis and brings it into focus.
DUTCH Cycle Mapping

For some female patients, testing on just one day of the month is not enough. Women with infertility, irregular cycles, or no menstrual bleeding due to an ablation or partial hysterectomy, can benefit from the DUTCH Cycle Mapping™.
DUTCH Cycle Mapping Plus

Cycle Mapping™ PLUS combines the full picture of a woman’s cycle and adds salivary measurements of the Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR) to bring another important piece of the HPA axis into focus and answer important questions for patients with month-long symptoms, infertility, and PCOS.

Metabolomix+ provides a complete nutritional assessment and personalized recommendations for amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, digestive support, and other nutrients. Testing can also reveal toxic exposures and measure your body’s ability to neutralize those toxins.
GI Effects

GI Effects is an advanced stool test that provides immediate, actionable information for the management of gastrointestinal health. Utilizing cutting-edge technologies and biomarkers, these profiles offer valuable insight into digestive function, intestinal inflammation, and the intestinal microbiome.
Food Sensitivity

Food sensitivity tests measure antibodies to commonly consumed foods and environmental allergens. The body can react to foods in many different ways. Adverse food reactions can lead to distressing symptoms and chronic health conditions. Often times it is unknown exactly which food(s) may be the cause and testing can help identify the problematic foods.

SIBO is a common clinical condition characterized by excessive bacteria in the small intestine and can develop in a variety of patient populations. This non-invasive breath test captures exhaled hydrogen (H2) and methane (CH4) gases to evaluate small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) and intestinal methanogen overgrowth (IMO).
Methylation Panel

The Methylation Panel is an innovative test designed to offer insight into the critical biochemical methylation pathway. It can uncover needs for nutritional support such as amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. Knowing this can help guide dietary and nutraceutical treatment plans. Additionally, knowing genetic predispositions can help focus supplementation to override potential methylation defects.